The studio has a certain hum to it, my ears strain to collect notes in the same way your eyes create forms in steam or vapours. It builds and distorts as neighbours get showered and the conservatory next door starts up. ohh god its salsa..i dance around (badly) as I get dressed and ready to stroll the canals..
I think its a process for understanding, trying to somehow see, hear and feel the abstract world around us and file it into recognisable, known parcels. In order to be able to retrieve them later we need to label and title otherwise they are lost. I am going to try and not box up things today, let them become part of me rather then kept in my already overstocked filing system.. Its 10.30am. It should still be pretty quiet out as its a Sunday and the French need their rest..
Im back its 4pm and I have walked the canals to La Vilette and back and am exhausted. I make a cup of tea and put my feet up. I feel a lot more relaxed walking the streets (?) and its showing with no less then 3 people coming to me for directions.. that way lol x
I walked through markets selling all kinds of vegetables, seafood, and cheeses and tiny little bunches of bananas about the size of my thumb. There was much gaudy jewellery and lines of broken chairs. I really like the old chairs, for me, they are the epitome of functional beauty. I saw all kinds of fungis and moss growing on old tree stumps and dogs that knew not to swim in the canal? (I still think it might have been hard to keep Neska out..) There were many joggers swerving the crowds and a lot of homeless people in the middle of the canals on the park benches eating fruit in the sunshine.
I got to Starlingard and remembered I wasn’t far from the park with the exceptionally beautiful Paris Philharmonic. (A giant glitter covered geometric squeeze box). This area has really changed I stayed here for a couple weeks after my last trip and was shocked by the poverty and tent cities. Gentrification happens so quickly. I like the outer suburbs they’re still huge but not quite as manic as the centre. It not as touristy but I think Paris in general has a huge population of visitors. (it feels a bit like Venice in that way)
How long has it been since I talked to anyone? hours? Days? Weeks? Things are beginning to blur. Time is morphing with sound and its making me whoozy. I need to think about dinner..
Sometimes I feel Im letting the side down. I hear about people socialising and making art connections but I’m just not put together that way. Its not what i’m here for(?). I suppose a residency is your own journey even if its an emotional one x