2007 - Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours – Painting - UTAS

This project examines the dichotomy of the interior and exterior self, using the form of architecture as a visual device for the construction of the imagery through the medium of paint.

In the case of many multi-million dollar makeovers the Southern Cross Re-development was fraught with problems and the revised budget compromised the architect's original vision. The intended goal was sacrificed and as a result the absolute vision was never fully realised. In my work I wanted to eulogize the architects lost dream by formalising and aestheticising the station. By paying homage to the original concept I wish to offer an epiphany if you will, a new dream that may encompass the passions lost. I approached this desire, ironically, through evidencing that my image-structures are impossibilities that, they too, can never exist in reality. By referencing idealised structures and the impracticality of them in actuality, the paradoxical becomes evident. So the reverence is bittersweet.